
Once upon time doctor who
Once upon time doctor who

She extends this courtesy to Vinder as well, even though they’ve just met. The Doctor uses the time-space vortex responsible for her regeneration to hide her friends within their own timelines. The Doctor may have a handle on this, but the humans aren’t remotely prepared for it. Yaz and Vinder are lost somewhere in the time storm, so the Doctor pushes herself and Dan into the two remaining Mouri spots on the platform, meaning they’re carried off by the time storm as well. Things start off on the planet Time, a place the Doctor believes should not exist.

once upon time doctor who

Read more about the timey-wimey confusion of this week’s episode below - SPOILERS ahead! And while it’s unclear where the storyline is going, I’m strapping in for the ride! Showrunner Chris Chibnall wasn’t kidding when he said this episode had Marvel vibes to it! Confusing or not, it was so much fun to watch. “Once, Upon Time” also roped in more of Doctor Who’s iconic villains including the Cybermen, the Daleks, and the Weeping Angels. Did the Doctor have a past before the one we know of? What is that missing piece of history? The ensuing time storm brought up many questions about the Doctor. Everyone was in their own “time stream” and the Doctor was trying to make sense of it all. Admittedly, it was a confusing episode to follow because it visited multiple points in time for each character.

once upon time doctor who

This week’s episode of Doctor Who was a wild adventure as the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and her companions Yaz (Mandip Gill), Dan (John Bishop) and Vinder (Jacob Anderson) found themselves suspended in time. By Ariba Bhuvad 10 months ago Follow Tweet

Once upon time doctor who